Abdullah Cakan

PhD, Visiting Scholar

Research topics;

  • Control Theory, Dynamics of Machinery, Mechatronics, Multi-Body Dynamics, Mechanisms


Cascade Proportional Derivative Controller For A Flexible Link Robot Manipulator Using The Bees Algorithm

Mehmet Sefa Gümüş, Abdullah Çakan, Mete Kalyoncu

Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Smart Systems, 2023

Dört Çubuk Mekanizmalı Diz Protezlerinin Arı Algoritması ve Genetik Algoritma ile Boyut Optimizasyonu

Mert Eren Ayğahoğlu, Mehmet Sefa Gümüş, Abdullah Çakan, Mete Kalyoncu

Journal of Materials and Mechatronics: A, 2023


Abdullah Çakan, F. M. Botsali, Ü. Önen, Mete Kalyoncu

Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2022

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Tuning of PID Control on DC Motor

Eka Suci Rahayu, A. Ma’arif, Abdullah Çakan

International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems, 2022

İki serbestlik dereceli bir robot kolun konum kontrolü için PID kontrol parametrelerinin arı algoritması (AA) kullanılarak belirlenmesi

Erdem Karakoyun, Abdullah Çakan, Mete Kalyoncu

Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2022

The Bees Algorithm Approach to Determining SMC Controller Parameters for the Position Control of a SCARA Robot Manipulator

Sinan Ilgen, Akif Durdu, Erdi Gülbahçe, Abdullah Çakan, Mete Kalyoncu

European Journal of Science and Technology, 2022

Determining the design parameters for manufacturing a shell and tube heat exchanger with minimum cost using The Bees Algorithm

Yusuf Ziya Akman, Abdullah Çakan, Ahmet Ali Seretkaya, Mete Kalyoncu

International Journal of Energy Applications and Technologies, 2022

Simulation and Arduino Hardware Implementation of DC Motor Control Using Sliding Mode Controller

A. Ma’arif, Abdullah Çakan

Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC), 2021

Backstepping Sliding Mode Control for Inverted Pendulum System with Disturbance and Parameter Uncertainty

A. Ma’arif, Marco Antonio Márquez Vera, Magdi Sadek Mahmoud, S. Ladaci, Abdullah Çakan, Jonattan Niño Parada

Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC), 2021

Artificial Potential Field Algorithm for Obstacle Avoidance in UAV Quadrotor for Dynamic Environment

A. Ma’arif, Wahyu Rahmaniar, M. A. M. Vera, Aninditya Anggari Nuryono, Rania Majdoubi, Abdullah Çakan

2021 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT), 2021

Optimal Tuning of the SMC Parameters for a Two-Link Manipulator Co-Simulation Control

Sinan İlgen, Akif Durdu, Erdi Gülbahçe, Abdullah Çakan

Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, vol. 27(5), 2021, pp. 4-10

İki Linkli Robot Manipülatörün Modellenmesi ve Bozucu Etki Altında Yörünge Kontrolü

Sinan İlgen, Akif Durdu, Erdi Gülbahçe, Abdullah Çakan

2020 4th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT), 2020

System Identification Based Inverse Kinematics Analysis and Control of a Multi-DOF Road Simulator

Abdullah Çakan, Ü. Önen, F. M. Botsali

Applied Engineering Letters : Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2019

Topology Design and Modal Analysis of a Bracket via FEA

Erdi Gülbahçe, H. Sezgen, Abdullah Çakan

Applied Engineering Letters : Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2019

Performance comparison of optimization algorithms in LQR controller design fora nonlinear system

Ü. Önen, Abdullah Çakan, I. Ilhan

Turkish J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci., 2019

Sliding Mode Control of a Two-link Robot Manipulator Using Adams & Matlab Software

Sinan Ilgen, Akif Durdu, Erdi Gülbahçe, Abdullah Çakan

International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology, 2018

PID Control of Inverted Pendulum Using Adams and Matlab Co-Simulation

Abdullah Çakan, F. M. Botsali, M. Tinkir

International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, 2016

Modeling And Position Control Of Scara Type 3D Printer

Ahmet Saygın Ogulmuş, Abdullah Çakan, M. Tinkir


Modelling and Control of a Single-Wheel Inverted Pendulum by Using Adams and Matlab

Sinan Ilgen, Emre Oflaz, Erdi Gülbahçe, Abdullah Çakan


Mechanical Design of Lower Extremity Exoskeleton Assisting Walking of Load Carrying Human

Yusuf Şahin, F. M. Botsali, Mete Kalyoncu, M. Tinkir, Ü. Önen, Nihat Yılmaz, Abdullah Çakan


Force Feedback Control of Lower Extremity Exoskeleton Assisting of Load Carrying Human

Yusuf Şahin, F. M. Botsali, Mete Kalyoncu, M. Tinkir, Ü. Önen, Nihat Yılmaz, Ö. K. Baykan, Abdullah Çakan